How to select a good blog Niche

How to select a good blog Niche in 2023? Easy 5 steps.

Do you want to create a blog site? Then, you just need to know about “Niche” and have to select a “Good Blog Niche”. but how to select? Please stay with us.

Generally, we know, the product or service, which we want to sell is a ” niche.”

Actually, a niche indicates a place and position, which is appropriate for someone and something. According to your discussion, it may vary from ecological to biological or maybe it is commercial.

There are many types of niches (Noun-Nitch). But in the commercial world, It is called – “Business Niche”. We will discuss only a Business Niche.

In business terms – “The Niche” is a Focused or targeted area of a broader market- which we separate and differentiate to compete with others.

The Niche is the least profitable segment of a market to target a group of audience or potential customers to make a profit.

Types of niches according to the focus area:

Comparatively “The Niche” which is mainly chosen by a promoter has belonged into three forms:

  1. Niche (Broad niche)

  2. Sub-niche

  3. Micro niche (a niche within a niche)

  4. Macro Niche ( =Granula level Niche = Pico Niche > Nano Niche)

The niches

Select a Broad Niche:

At first, we have to select a specific “Niche” (Broad)- “To focus on our “audience”. Suppose, it is related to “Health”. That means, “Health and Fitness”- Niche.

Then, we have drilled down more about “Health and Fitness”- We will find more and more subcategories. Like Hair, Weight, Beauties. These are called “Sub-Niche”.

Finally, we should go deeper at the granule level and which is called the “Micro Niche”. In this case, it may be “Hair” related. like – “Regrowth of Hair- the Way and Treatment”, “Anti Hair Fall- The Way and Treatment”, “Anti-Dandruff Treatment” or “How to get natural black hair? etc. To select the right niche follow the steps:

Step 1: Give priority to your interest:

To select the right “niche”- First, prioritise your interest. Maybe you are interested in discussing health-related topics and you always suggest to your friend and neighbour about their health, you are interested to read about health or you have some medical background knowledge.

On the other hand, the “beauty” niche is also a sub-niche of health. You have an interest and knowledge about “beauty” and you can advise someone regarding beauty. You always share some beauty tips with your friends.

Again you have better knowledge about electronics, games, gadgets etc. you can pick anyone among them.

Step 2: Gather knowledge about your niche:

When you are going to select any niche, you must have some profound knowledge about that. So that your audience can easily get suggestions about that. without having sound knowledge you cannot satisfy your audience.

So, always choose that niche that you understand better and have a better experience with that. You have to gather knowledge about that and have to better understand the pros and cons of that.

Step 3: Understand the problem and solution of your niche:

Every niche has some common problem. You have the ability to identify the problems and as well as you just need the ability to solve those problems.

Step 4:Analyze your market competition:

In business terms, you have to select a niche with low competition but you must have some search volume. So that you can rank your niche easily with some SEO analysis and paid advertisement.

Remember, without the search volume your niche has no value, again if your niches have high volume search and high competition – it will be so difficult to deal with.

Because your “keyword” must obtain your “Specific niche”. Do keyword research and analyze it.

Step 5: Calculate your estimated budget and profit:

Before selecting any niche, you need to calculate the estimated profitability of your niche, you need to calculate your budget to the expense and calculate the return.

If you think the return is positive, go ahead. First, do the test. Then select a good blog niche for your business.

Here are some best profitable and most popular Niche (Broad) Ideas, to create a blog for affiliate and CPA marketing:

  1. Online Money Making
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Wealth or Personal Finance related Niche
  4. Dating and relationship
  5. Fashion
  6. Lifestyle
  7. Travel
  8. Business and marketing
  9. Technology and gaming
  10. Education …. And many more.

The first Three/ Four niches are considered Evergreen niches (Health, Wealth Online Money making and Dating).

You can analyze more about your niche (according to your interest) and select one “Micro Niche” to create a Blog for you. I hope you understand.

Want to read more about a blog? Click and go to the main articles: How To Make Affiliate Marketing Blog to Earn Passive Money?




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