What blog post types & formats are used mostly

Which blog post types & formats are used mostly?

Hi there! do you want to know about the most popular blog post types and formats in WordPress? Cannot select the best one? Choose your blog post type and know about the formats with proper descriptions.

According to the blogger’s thoughts and objective of the blog, there are enormous types of blogs. But the following blog post types and blog post formats in WordPress are used mostly.

Which are some popular blog post types?

  1. How-to guides
  2. What Is Post
  3. The Pillar Page Post (“Ultimate Guide” or Main article) & cluster.
  4. Checklists/Cheat Sheets
  5. Infographics
  6. Interviews
  7. Guest Blogging
  8. The Newsjacking Post
  9. Personal Stories.
  10. Resources or Link Lists
  11. Reviews
  12. Controversial Post
  13. Podcast Show Notes
  14. Videos
  15. Guest Posts
  16. Blog Series
  17. Case studies.
  18. Stats. Reports
  19. Weekly or daily roundups
  20. Breaking news
  21. Personal stories
  22. Research paper

While making a blog, choosing the legitimate kind of blog is very important. The types of blogs show the blog’s motivation and how it approaches arriving at its objectives.

Which are some popular blog post Formats?

As we go through the various blog post types and formats, we’ll see that bloggers often combine some of these types and formats to create a blog.

To make progress, working in one type is ideal. We are discussing here some popular formats of blogs.

  1. Individual Blog or Personal Blog Format.
  2. Individual or Personal “Brand” – blog format.
  3. Corporate Blog Format:
  4. Services Blog
  5. Repair Services Blog format
  6. Niche Blog Format
  7. Affiliate Blog Format
  8. Artist’s Blog
  9. The Counter-Culture Blog type.
  10. Guest Blogs
  11. Case Study Blogs
  12. Podcast

As we go through the various blog post types and formats, we’ll see that bloggers often combine some of these types and formats to create a blog.

To make progress, working in one type is ideal. We are discussing here some popular formats of blogs.

Most Popular blog types

Details of blog post Formats.

1. Individual Blog or Personal Blog Format.

A sort of blog called an individual blog also called a personal blog, is one that is typically made and maintained by an individual for personal use. 

  • Personal blogs can be written about a variety of subjects, including interests, travel, food, fashion, politics, and more. 
  • They are typically centred on the author’s experiences, views, and opinions.
  • Depending on the blogger’s tastes and the type of information they are producing, a personal blog’s format can be changed. 
  • Some personal blogs function more like online diaries where the author publishes thoughts and reflections from their day-to-day life. 
  • Others may concentrate on certain subjects or market segments and offer information that is instructive or educational.
  • Personal blogs typically have a more relaxed and informal tone, and they frequently contain humour, personal tales, and a conversational writing style.
  • You can use an individual blog to write and amplify the information with images, videos, and other multimedia components

An excellent way for people to express themselves, meet people with similar interests, and establish an online identity or platform is through personal blogs.

2. Individual or Personal “Brand” – Blog format.

A blogger can create a personal “brand” blog that is dedicated to advancing their personal brand.

  • People generally use this kind of blog to sell their goods or services, establish themselves as authorities or experts in a certain industry, and/or build their internet presence and reputation
  • Blogger often shares their opinions, knowledge, and experience on subjects pertaining to their profession or niche in an individual or personal brand blog.
  • The blog may feature articles on subjects including job guidance, business news and trends, personal experiences, and success tips and tricks.

  • The blogger may also publish information about their products or services, display their successes, and present their portfolio on their blog.
  • An individual or personal brand blog needs a well-defined target audience, a polished and appealing design, and a clear and consistent brand message in order to be successful.

To market their blog and develop their personal brand, bloggers should also be active on social media sites and other websites.

3. Corporate Blog Format:

The main focus of this blog is the company’s products or services designed to increase traffic so the company can recognize customers.

  • Businesses choose topics to attract visitors who are interested in their industry and refer to these blogs as company or business websites.
  • Their goals devote a lot of time to gathering leads for their deals channel.
  • This includes welcome pages, calls to action, email records, personalized contact forms, offers, and so on.

The aim is to lure visitors in with the content and then guide them through the sales funnel to make a decision and take action.

4. Services Blog Format.

This blog explores issues related to promoting personal services.

  • These are ideal for local services like yard work, child care, sitting, dog walking, rubbish removal, and so on.
  • However, the main goal of this blog is to encourage recruits to carry out the services.
  • The blog may earn some money through promotions or partner joins.
  • When they make contact with the local populace, which is frequently the mob that will exhaust their source of inspiration, they are effective.

5. Blog for Repair Services / Format

This type of blog format covers subjects related to the services provided. These are excellent for small, neighbourhood repair or maintenance businesses like lawn care, home repair, etc.

  • The main objective of this blog is for the blogger to engage in providing services, similar to personal services.

Additionally, they are successful when they get in front of a local audience that will respond to their call to action.

6. Niche Blog Format:

A blog that is narrowly focused on a single subject or area of interest is called a niche blog. 

  • A niche blog’s goal is to offer depth and specialized information to a specific audience. 
  • Usually covering a particular subject or business, niche blogs have a tight emphasis and are frequently written by specialists or enthusiasts in that field.
  • Depending on the subject, the content of a specialized blog can vary greatly. 
  • A niche blog specializing in fitness, for instance, would publish articles on exercise regimens, healthy eating, and wellness advice, whereas a blog specializing in interior design, might publish articles on DIY projects, home furnishings, and DIY projects.
  • Moreover, niche blogs may use a range of media types, including podcasts, photo essays, videos, and text-based articles.
  • A niche blog often has a more focused and attentive following than a general interest blog.
  • These types of blogs can be made profitable by selling niche-related goods and services,   affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and advertising. 

A successful niche blog can establish the blogger’s authority and create a valuable resource for its readers in their field of interest.

Popular Niche blog formats are:

  • Finance 
  • Sports
  • Business
  • WordPress
  • Food
  • Writing
  • Cars

  • Music
  • Games
  • Movies
  • Books
  • Fitness
  • Mom
  • Travel
  • Current Events
  • Entertainment
  • Fashion
  • Lifestyle
  • DIY
  • Politics
  • Parenting
  • Pets

7. Affiliate Blog Format

We refer to a specific type of blog that generates income through affiliate marketing as an affiliate blog.

  • An affiliate (in this case, the blogger) advertises a good or service from another business in exchange for a cut of any sales or leads that occur. This is known as affiliate marketing.
  • With an affiliate blog, the author often produces material that promotes goods or services that their audience will find useful.
  • The blogger may write reviews, suggestions, or instructions and include links to the goods or services being advertised in an affiliate blog
  • The blogger receives a commission when a reader clicks on one of these links and buys something or does something else (like completing a form), for example.
  • In order to be a successful affiliate blogger, one must provide interesting and compelling material and select goods and services that are appropriate for the blog’s readership and speciality.
  • To maintain transparency and foster confidence with readers, it’s also critical to identify any affiliate relationships or sponsored material.
  • For bloggers looking to monetize their content and generate passive income, affiliate marketing may be a successful strategy.

To preserve the credibility of the blog and the confidence of its readers, we must do affiliate marketing in a moral and responsible manner.

8. Artist’s Blog format

A specific kind of blog called an “artist’s blog” is one that an artist creates and maintains to share with their audience their creative process and display their work.

  • Artist blogs feature a wide variety of media and genres, including painting, sculpture, photography, and digital art.
  • They frequently include images of their creations along with explanations of the inspiration and creative process for each one in their blog posts.
  • The blog may also have articles about upcoming exhibitions, partnerships, and events, as well as details about the artist’s methods, resources, and influences.
  • The artist’s blog can create a community around their work by allowing readers to post comments, ask questions, and participate in dialogue with the artist and other fans
  • By doing so, the artist and their audience may be able to develop a following and establish a bond.
  • Depending on the artist’s preferences and the kind of information they are producing, a blog can take on a variety of formats.

To improve the reader experience, certain artist blogs may contain multimedia components like movies, podcasts, or interactive aspects. Others might pay more attention to text and visuals.

9. The Counter-Culture Blog Format.

A counter-culture blog is a sort of blog that opposes traditional cultural and social conventions and frequently promotes alternative or outlandish ways of thinking.

  • Blogs about the counterculture might discuss anything from politics and activism to spirituality and alternative medicine.
  • A counter-culture blog’s articles frequently question prevalent cultural narratives and ideals by offering a different viewpoint that questions the status quo.
  • In addition, these blogs might discuss social justice, environmental protection, and human rights while simultaneously criticizing the media and political establishments.

Anti-culture blogs provide a forum for community building and for people with similar values and opinions to connect with each other.

10. Guest Blogs Format

A blogger can write and post content using the guest blogging format on another blogger’s blog or website.  If the host blogger receives new content for their website, and the guest blogger is exposed to a new audience, both parties can benefit in a win-win situation

  • A guest blog’s topics might be diverse, but they usually have something to do with the speciality or sector of the blog that hosts it.
  • For instance, a food blogger can ask a guest blogger to write a piece about healthy meal preparation, or a tech blogger might ask a guest blogger to write a post about the newest developments in wearable technology.
  • Within a particular business or area, guest blogging can be a useful tool for fostering relationships and networking.
  • A blogger can increase their audience and reach new readers by publishing content on other blogs. They can also develop connections with other bloggers and industry leaders.
  • Guest blogging can help bloggers grow their networks and increase traffic to their own websites.
  • The guest blogger can draw in more readers and possibly pick up more followers by posting a bio and a link back to their own blog or website.
  • A guest blog often follows a similar pattern to a regular blog post, with an emphasis on interesting, useful, and audience-relevant content.

The guest blogger must also follow any instructions given by the host blogger, including those about word count, formatting, and style.

11. Case Study Blog Format

A blog that focuses on in-depth investigation and evaluation of particular instances or examples is known as a case study blog. 

  • A case study blog aims to give readers a thorough grasp of a specific issue or problem, as well as insights and recommendations for dealing with related issues in the future.
  • A case study blog’s material normally consists of a thorough explanation of the case and an examination of the crucial elements that either made it successful or unsuccessful. 
  • This could involve conducting important stakeholder interviews, analysing data, and reviewing relevant academic literature and research.
  • Case study blogs can address a variety of subjects and sectors, including business and marketing as well as healthcare and education. 
  • Also, they can be used to highlight best practices and success tales, giving readers real-world examples of how to get comparable outcomes in their own work or projects.
  • Depending on the blogger’s tastes and the kind of information they are producing, case study blogs can take on a variety of formats. 
  • To improve the reader experience, certain case study blogs may also contain multimedia components like infographics, movies, or interactive aspects. Others might pay more attention to text and visuals.
  • In general, a case study blog can be a useful resource for knowledge transfer, advocating best practices, and offering insights into particular circumstances or issues.

Case study blogs can assist readers in bettering their own work and achieving greater success by providing helpful advice and answers.

 12. Podcast format

A blog that focuses mostly on podcast episodes is known as a podcast blog.

  • Podcast blogs offer a platform for posting and promoting podcast episodes.
  • Podcasting is a type of digital audio broadcasting that has grown in popularity in recent years.
  • The focus of a podcast blog is often on a single subject or theme, and each episode of the podcast includes talks, interviews, or other types of audio content that are pertinent to that subject.
  • Podcast blogs can cover many subjects, including pop culture, business, and personal growth.
  • A podcast blog often has links to listen to or download each episode as well as a brief synopsis of the episode.
  • Podcast blogs sometimes include transcripts of the episodes or other information pertinent to the podcast’s subject matter.
  • Podcast blogs can be a useful tool for promoting a podcast and growing its audience.
  • Some podcast websites may additionally include written content, such as blog posts or articles relating to the podcast’s subject, in addition to providing podcast episodes.

In general, a podcast blog is an effective tool for podcast promotion and audience engagement around a particular subject or theme.

Closing Statements

The specific blog post types and formats help readers know what to expect and help bloggers concentrate on their specialized content and achieve the objectives of the blog.

Even though some of these blog post types and formats are very different from one another, they all share the same requirement for a blog to survive – consistently high-quality content distribution. High-value content encourages sharing and keeps readers returning. To learn more about the blog, you can follow wpbeginner.com.

From you, we must hear about your blog post types and formats which is your favourite. 

Please tell us in the comments. again if you want to create a blog without any help from others, you can follow my article: How to start an affiliate marketing business to earn passive money?


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