on page SEO

What is On-page SEO for a blog site?

After completing the blog creation and writing for affiliate and CPA marketing in WordPress, the most essential part of blogging is On-page SEO for an affiliate and CPA marketing blog site.

But how do to do the On-page SEO for a blog site of affiliate and CPA marketing and newly created posts and pages?

If you want to rank your page in a higher position in the search engine, you have to optimize your visible content and HTML code, this is called on-page SEO.

For the first time, when you are going to publish your blog, you need to optimize two types of on-page SEO:

  • Your Blog’s / Site’s SEO
  • All Page’s SEO / All Post’s SEO.

Some experts divide on-page SEO into two-part.

  • Non-Technical SEO.
  • Technical SEO.

Naturally, both SEO is done for the same site. So, both SEO is on-page SEO. But, we will discuss here only the non-technical part.

( Other parts i.e. The Technical SEO are described elaborately, such as Google search console integration, indexing, and sitemap creation in the main article – How to start an affiliate marketing blog to earn passive money? )

Non-Technical SEO:

On-page SEO for a blog site / checklist

A. Content writing as On-page SEO for a blog site:

  • Use Short URL:

Try to use a short URL for your Post. Your Keyword must be included in your URL. Don’t use the same keyword for one more page.

  • Title Tag: 

Put your main keyword at the first of your “Title Tag”

  • Meta Descriptions:

Remember – “A meta description works” as an advertisement of your site Put your keyword at meta. The Meta description is an HTML element. Keep it within 65 characters.

  • Uses of multimedia:

Optimize your media by inserting your keywords, compressing and resizing and trying to use JPG/JPEG format. (Don’t focus on exact keywords one more time, for several images or multimedia, use the unique keyword for each image as an ALT attribute)

  • Competitor’s analysis:

Follow up on your competitor’s analysis and create at least the same number of outbound links at your post.

  • Uses of H1 tag:

Keep your “title tag” with your “main keyword” at “H1 tag”. Don’t use one more H1 tag.

  • Words limit of the paragraph:

Use your keyword in the first paragraph of your article (Within 1oo-150 words). Don’t write more than 3 to 5 lines at any para.

  • Loading speed:

Boost your nail loading speed by using a CDN. And also use faster hosting. make sure that your site is loading within 4 seconds.

B.Use modifier at content as On-page SEO for a blog site:

Try to use modifiers, Like Best, Guide, Review, Year (2021), Number (10/20) etc.

  • Longer Content:

Try to write longer content. Longer content ranked significantly higher in google.

  • Social media Button:

Try to use the social media button to like and share.

  • Reduce bounce rate:

Reduce your site bounce rate. Use internal links, write compelling copy and try to use a clean site design.

C.Try to use the below method:

  • Use LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keyword.
  • Rich Snippets
  • Featured Snippets
  • Alternative keywords selection and setting
  • Complete your sitemap.

Besides these, you have to follow the technical SEO part to publish your blog. here is the checklist to follow.

 The technical SEO.

On-page SEO for a blog site/ checklist technical

Scope of technical SEO as On-page SEO for a blog site:

  • Search console and webmaster setup for Google.
  • Google Analytics set-up.
  • WordPress plugin set up to monitor and manage on-page SEO.
  • Google XML sitemap creation.
  • robot.txt  file creation.
  • Search console for Google, Bing, and other search engines,
  • Site indexing at Google.

All Tools Need to do On-page SEO for a blog site:

Finally, to optimize your WordPress blog site, you can take help from the following plugin:

Since SEO strategy is a vast area of the latest search engine world, we are unable to discuss it here in detail.

So, we will discuss the whole SEO system later. Either here or with some new post. Please, stay with us to learn the details about SEO. 

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