Which are the essential plugins for a new WordPress blog

Which are the essential plugins for a new WordPress blog?

After installing WordPress, you need to take care of your blog with some tools, which are known as plugins or tools. We will discuss those essential plugins for a new WordPress blog. If you want to run an affiliate or CPA program you need some more different types of plugins. But, what are those essential plugins which you have to install?

Okay, At present, there are more than 52000 plugins in the official directory of WordPress. So, do we need to install all of those?

No, excess and unnecessary plugins will make your blog slower and the customer will face a bad experience. According to one’s business type and need, the plugins are different. But some essential plugins are needed for every blog/website owner for WordPress.

Please Install these (The reason behind the installation is given below, please read carefully). Without reading don’t install and activate plugins, we have suggested one more plugin for the same job. So, read carefully, and decide which one needs to be installed,

Some essential plugins for a new WordPress blog.

01. Jetpack by WordPress: (Essential plugins to secure, speed up and grow your website)


The jet pack is the most essential plugin for a new WordPress blog, which is almost free. But it will help the site with its robust security system, real-time back, malware scanning, spam protection, downtime/uptime monitoring, automatic scanning for viruses and cotreatment and above all easy restoring system from its backup.

It has a built-in CDN- which will help your WordPress blog to optimize and deliver photos and Files like CSS & JavaScript. Only advanced jetpack for daily backup and malware scanning and site search may ask for some payment.

02. Yoast SEO / Rank Math: (Essential plugins for SEO)

Yoast and Rank math

Known as the most essential plugins for a new WordPress blog. Both are the best SEO tool for on-page or local SEO. Just Follow their configuration wizard. Yoast SEO/ Rank Math will help you to solve many technical Issues and will help your blog to optimize in search engines.

03. Classic Editor: (Essential plugins To write an article or post like Microsoft word)


classic editor

To write an article or post you can use a classic editor. Though almost all-new WP themes are integrated with Gutenberg or block editors, the old classical editor is also very much popular.

Many bloggers prefer to use a classic editor that is very much seduced to Microsoft word. Earlier, the classic editor was the built-in editor of WordPress.but most bloggers feel comfortable with the Classic editor.

If you want to write and edit your content like MS word, you may install it.

04. Anti-spam bee / Akismet Anti-Spam: (Essential plugin to block annoying spammed comments.)

Anti spam bee and Akismat anti spam

Both are very good and able to block annoying spammed comments. Akismet Anti-Spam is a little bit technical and it has a privacy issue. It is not free for a commercial site. But “anti-spam bee’ is free and very easy to set up.

05. WP Super Cache: (To improve your page loading time and optimize your website speed.)


To improve your page loading time and optimize your website speed you will need a WordPress caching plugin. The plugin will reduce your loading time and will make your site mobile phone user’s friendly.

Other then WP Super cache you can use WP Fastest Cache, W3 Total Cache, Comet Cache and Hummingbird and Breeze.

06. Google XML Sitemaps: (Essential plugin to index your page and site with all search engines.)


The Google XML sitemaps generate an HTML sitemap. It will assist you to index your page and site with all search engines. The alternative to Google XML Sitemaps is Yoast SEO, All one SEO or Jetpack etc.

07. Google site kit: (Essential To view the statistic report, Page speed insight and monetise your blog.)


The Google site kit is an official plugin of Google for WP Blogs/websites. It is integrated with a search console, AdSense, Analytics, Page speed insight and tag manager.

Search console and analytics will help you give a statistic report about your viewers, Page speed insight will show you the analysis and bounce rate of speed and loading time.

And AdSense is for monetizing your blog. So, this plugin is a very important tool to analyse your WordPress blog’s performance.

08.MonsterInsights: (To integrate the google site kit apps with other third parties.)


It will give you some advanced features and some advanced tracking options than the google site kit, MonsterInsights will help you to integrate the google site kit apps with other third parties, like Woo Commerce. It has a free version. But limited option.

An advance option is only with a paid version.

09.WPForms / Contact Form (To collect information about viewers or customers)


Both forms are rapidly used in WordPress blogs to collect information from viewers or customers. Hence, WPForms is a new user friendly and the user doesn’t need to know any HTML code.

WP form has a drag-and-drop option, which made it too much popular. Its lite version is free but more useful and attractive features are available with the Pro version.

On the other side, Contact Form 7 is the most useful and powerful contact forms tool. But the primary installation is a little bit technical. Though once you know the issue of how to add the short code within the content, your life will be very much easy. And it’s free.

10. All 404 redirect to the home page: (To redirect your visitors to your homepage.)


The user may input your URL with a typing mistake. As a result, he will unable to find out your blog and page- a visitor will face a 404 error page- “File not found”- or “the URL you requested was not found”.

On the other hand, if you change your site’s layout and page information, then your visitor will unable to find out your page and will face with “404-error page”.

That means your page is not available on the server. And the potential customer will go to your competitor’s page. But the fact is your page is still available on the server but somehow the link is not yet connected with the server.

So, if you want to hold on to your visitor you should redirect them to your homepage. Then you need the plugin “All 404 redirect to Homepage” or “404 pages redirect to Homepage”.

11. Wordfence Security:  (To protect the site from all unwanted attacks.)


Who wants to destroy his asset by himself? Malware, viruses, hacking, fake google crawlers and suspicious bots are always trying to grab your website.

You will lose your all reputation and assets within a blinking time of your eyes. So, you need strong protection from all unwanted attacks.

You can easily use Wordfence Security for your WordPress blog site. It has a free version as well as paid-for more strong protection.

12.BackWPup / WordPress Backup and Migrate Plugin:

backup & wordpress backup

( To keep the backup data of your site.)

You should always keep a backup copy of your site and easy re-installation to avoid any kind of accident. So, you will need one of them. So these are also

essential plugins for a new WP blog.

13. Disable Comments: (To block the spammers)

disable comments

If you want to block the spammers to take over full control of your website, you have to be more sincere about the visitor’s comments on any post on WordPress. You may attack by the comments of Media, Pages and Posts. So, to instantly allow or disallow the comments this tool will help you.

14. WP-Optimize: (To speed up the loading speed)


WP-Optimize is a combined WordPress performance tool. It will help to clean your database. The plugin will allow you to cache your blog and will increase your site loading time very fast. Again, it will give you a chance to compress, resize and optimize the blog’s images.

15. Broken Link Checker: (To find your anchor text of a dead link)

If you want to develop your SEO experience and fix up your blog’s bad links, you can take help with “Broken link Checker”. The plugin will help you to detect broken internal and external links in your posts, comments and pages. You can easily find your anchor text of a dead link, URL’s Deadlink and link status for your WordPress blog. It is a free WordPress tool.

16. Pretty Link Lite: (To generate the shortest and clean URL.)


If you don’t want to see the long and ugly link for your blog and want to tag anywhere you want, please use “Pretty Link Lite”. It will help you to generate the shortest and clean URL.

It’s also monitored the source of the hit and shows you the report. It has a free version. Also, you can enjoy a great advanced feature with paid.


I Hope, these essential plugins for a new WordPress blog will help your site to identify as unique and will save you from any unexpected situation. As well as they will help to make your blogging life smooth and easy.

If you want to know more about a blog, please read my main article: How to start an affiliate marketing blog to earn passive money?

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